Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 7 Training - A New Dilemma

A lower training week this week than I wanted but I guess I needed a break??

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 mile run and 30 minutes (7.4 miles) on the bike trainer
Wednesday - 3.5 mile run
Thursday - 5.2 miles running and 50 minutes (11.3 miles) on the bike trainer
Friday - 1500 yard swim (a good swim!!)
Saturday - 9 miles running and 1 mile walking
Sunday - Rode outdoors! 2 hrs 12 min for 31.2 miles 14.18 mph

Well, looking back at the stats for the week, I guess I thought it was a low week because my running miles were down. Well, they were down, but my swim and bike time and distance were both up. So I guess it evened out?! It's hard for me to think it's a good training week when my running miles are down. I am sure that is because running not only my favorite but also my strongest of the three activities. As a runner, I am finding it hard to train for this triathlon as a triathlete rather than as a runner doing cross training. I think that is why I have had such a hard time coming up with a training plan (which I still do not have). The training plans are teaching you to train like a triathlete and I see myself as a runner and I feel so guilty when I don't run much! I could bike and swim everyday of the week but if my running miles were down I would feel guilty!

One thing is for certain when it comes to the bike - I need to get a proper fitting for my bike! I have had the bike for some time now and have never done a bike fit. Well, awhile back the doc said I have piriformis syndrome. If you don't know what that is well, it's kind of a pain in the butt, literally! So I've aggravated that muscle and I cannot seem to get it back in check unless I steer clear of the bike. My big dilemma is that I kind of want a tri bike :) I like the Felt B16W - well I like the pictures online anyway. So I don't know whether to get some aero bars and a bike fitting for my road bike or just save up and get the tri bike. Hmmm, maybe I could win the lottery?!

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